Sunday, February 19, 2012

And Still...No Snow! {Sunday Snapshot}

So happy to be at the playground!

Serious about her sliding!

Running from mama...

Running the other way!

Ready to catch mama at the bottom of the slide!

She is actually telling me to put the camera away!
Seriously...we just haven't had the snowfall this year like in years past.  

Which is fine with this mama and baba, because the more we get our girl outside, running, jumping, and sliding, the better off we all are!  

And the better we all sleep!

Sunday Snapshot


  1. Love the pigtails!
    We too have been enjoying the snowless weather.

  2. So very fun to find your blog. Your little girl is adorable!

  3. She is adorable!
    Enjoy the nice weather... looks like she is having a blast :)
    Happy Sunday!!
